The Jeweller South Africa is part of Loupe Media Network
The current price for a 7 carat lab-grown diamond in South Africa is R47,939.48, calculated from 3,057 diamonds that match this carat weight and type in our database, and has decreased by 16.46% over the last 7 days.
Prices for these diamonds range from R13,753.12 to R414,606.34, depending on factors such as the diamond shape, color, and clarity.
Overall, the price trend for 7 carat lab-grown diamonds over the past three weeks shows a consistent decrease in diamond prices.
The 7-day change is a significant decrease of 16.46%, the 14-day change is a sizable decrease of 20.30%, and the 21-day change is a considerable decrease of 42.34%.
These downward trends in diamond prices could suggest weakening demand or increased supply.
The most expensive shape for 7 carat lab-grown diamonds is currently heart, priced at R61,080.00.
The least expensive shape for 7 carat lab-grown diamonds is currently emerald, priced at R38,990.00.
This is a difference of R22,090.00, meaning that heart diamonds are 56.66% more expensive than emerald diamonds at the same carat weight.
These insights into lab-grown diamond prices aim to help you make an informed decision when selecting the best diamond shape for your needs.
Click on any diamond shape to see more detailed pricing information.
Shape of Diamond | Current Price (R) | 7-Day % Change |
Round | 59,130.86 | -5.06% |
Heart | 55,738.61 | -4.53% |
Princess | 52,549.11 | -10.03% |
Cushion | 51,905.61 | -5.38% |
Asscher | 50,674.40 | -5.81% |
Oval | 47,375.82 | -5.48% |
Pear | 44,322.44 | -3.95% |
Radiant | 41,845.17 | -4.38% |
Marquise | 38,200.28 | -4.31% |
Emerald | 35,687.22 | -0.85% |